When you make purchases using a credit card online, you can avail some exciting cashback offers. A cashback offer gives a percentage of the transaction amount back to your account. The amount reverted varies from one retailer to another. Especially if you shop online regularly, these offers will help you save a lot of money on your purchases.

The best way to make the most out of these offers you need to make sure of some variables. It is advisable that you properly search and choose a credit card according to your spending habits and lifestyle requirements. It is also essential that you apply for a credit card that brings the best cashback offers and your preferred brands in symphony.

If you are loyal to one or more brand it is necessary that you search for a credit card that provides the best cashback offers with those particular brands. Sometimes there are also cashback offers that you can avail just by using the credit card a certain number of times during a specified time period after the card approval.

A credit card usually has a maximum limit of cashback that you can avail which depends on the leniency of the credit card issuer. Certain online credit cards like the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard gives 5% cashback and up to Rs. 1,000 on the down payment amount when one purchases products.

The redemption of such cashback offers is fairly easy and hassle-free and is usually credited to your account within 45 days after the transaction is complete.